
“At Least Those Scars Prove You Have Lived”

Remember the story of a certain ornery little twelve-year old boy, who showed up at school one morning with an impressive shiner? His black eye was truly a thing of brutal beauty. Upon greeting him, his teacher immediately noticed and asked him in horror, “Who gave you such a terrible black eye?!” His proud response, “Heck, Ma’am, they don’t just go ‘round givin’ these things away. Ya’ gotta fight for ‘em.”

Coping with a Child's Death

The death of a child is always an appalling affair. Its effect is often felt widely and can have an impact on so many people including the extended family, school friends, and their families, as well as the teachers and staff from their schools. Working through grief can be a poignant process, but it is essential to ensure future emotional and physical well-being. Parental grieving for the loss of a baby involves acute emotional suffering and has implications for the quality of the relationship shared by the bereaved parents, the siblings, and extended family. Bonds that hold a relationship may be exposed to risks during the mourning process.

. . . from the Pastor’s Desk

God is a God of second chances! You can still influence your children and grandchildren to live for the Lord! George Barna of the Barna Research Group—in his book Revolutionary Parenting, stated that there are three dominant approaches to parenting in the US: The first he labelled Parenting by default (“the path of least resistance”). Parents who follow this approach just do whatever feels natural, and do not step out of the influence of cultural norms to impose spiritual or secular values on the child.

Feeling Trapped?

Your children are losing weight. Your spouse is getting weak and sickly. You are in a miserable job. You are feeling trapped. You are thinking, “Oh, what am I to do?” A friend tells you about a scheme to enter a nearby country illegally.

Curve-Balls of Life

For the past several years our family has gone through the most difficult “inning” (season) of fast balls, change ups and curve balls that we have ever experienced. We moved to a new town and launched a semi-retirement ministry. To simplify our lives, we tried to sell our condo in Tulsa. (A city slicker invades the country, and the chiggers are winning! But that’s another topic.) Eight of our eleven grandchildren and their parents live in the Tulsa area, and so it was a terribly difficult decision. Needless to say, for the Catrett family, the past couple of years we have been pleasantly exhausted with the ups and downs of the game.

. . . from the Pastor’s Desk

Matthew 6:12, 14-15 (NLT): “12and forgive us our sins, AS we have forgiven those who sin against us.” 14“If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. 15But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” “15But if {they} refuse to forgive {me}, {our} Father will not forgive {their} sins.”

Walk Beside Me

Walk Beside Me Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.

Are You Climbing Happiness Hill?

Several years ago a man named Alan Bryan wrote a little book which he entitled Climb Happiness Hill. It was filled with stories and ideas that included the theme of gratitude for the many blessings you might enjoy.

What Good Is the Old Testament?

Most people gain some knowledge through the instruction of older, experienced, more mature people. For example, some who are reading this article received Bible instruction from a grandmother, some from a godly grandfather, or perhaps from a loving parent. How did you learn about God?