Curve-Balls of Life


For the past several years our family has gone through the most difficult “inning” (season) of fast balls, change ups and curve balls that we have ever experienced. We moved to a new town and launched a semi-retirement ministry. To simplify our lives, we tried to sell our condo in Tulsa. (A city slicker invades the country, and the chiggers are winning! But that’s another topic.) Eight of our eleven grandchildren and their parents live in the Tulsa area, and so it was a terribly difficult decision. Needless to say, for the Catrett family, the past couple of years we have been pleasantly exhausted with the ups and downs of the game.

But we aren’t unique. Everyone goes through similar innings. For some it might be starting a new job or losing your current job. Others may get married or go through a divorce. Some couples are thrilled at the birth of a child, while others are struggling with infertility. Let’s not forget those facing a serious illness, the death of a loved one, hard financial issues, being hurt by a close friend, facing an empty nest, pondering retirement, questioning their purpose in life or rethinking their faith. The list goes on and on.

The truth is, life is often inconsistent and unpredictable; and change is inevitable. No matter how much we want to hold onto status quo, change-ups will happen. When we are going through seasons like this, it can be easy to feel that things are moving rapidly toward a strike out. We realize that the “normal” we’ve come to expect is no longer normal. This is especially true when the plan that we have in our minds doesn’t match the reality of what is going on in our life.

A wise person once said, "There are only three types of people in the world: Those who have gone through some sort of change; those currently going through change and those who are about to go through change. Just about the time we get comfortable, something will occur that messes that up. Life is a roller coaster of highs and lows, laughter and tears, wins and losses, good days and bad days.

Here are some things that we were reminded of during the past several years.

Trust that God never changes! Remember that while life is filled with constant change, God never changes. One of the verses from the Bible that helped us stay in our right mind was Hebrews 13:8, which says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” No matter how crazy and unsettled life can be, God is the opposite. His nature is that He never changes. Remembering that God is our strong, wise, faithful Coach (besides the One who created us and our team) helps when it looks like the championship game is in jeopardy.

Learn to adapt! Learning to adapt when change comes is a big deal. When life’s surprises change our plans, it can be tough, especially if the surprise is a big one. Yes, getting a flat tire on the way to work is irritating and annoying, but it’s not life ending. (Rather, it is to be expected in a spiritual war zone!) Having your air conditioning fail on the hottest day of the year can be bothersome, not to mention expensive, but life will go on. Most of the curve balls life throws at us are fairly common occurrences. We are not the first ones to deal with the situation. So take a breath. Step back and figure out a new plan or, put more simply, learn to adapt. After all everything can be endured with God’s help.

Lean on family and friends! Learning to rely on your family and true friends is a true test of faith and love. One of the traps that people fall into is that they feel they have to go through this game of life on their own. Nothing could be further from the truth. God has placed people in our lives, long before now, who love us and would love to help in any way possible. Proverbs 17:17a says, “A friend loves at all times.” “A brother is born to help in time of need.” (Proverbs 17:17b LB) True friends will be there for us. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or prayer. Galatians 6:2 reminds us when we help each other with our troubles, we are truly obeying Christ.

For my wife and me life has settled down somewhat. For now, we seem to be past a big season of transitions and life is getting back to normal. We are reminded more than ever that God is faithful and He never changes. So when you face your season of unexpected curve balls, take a moment to realize that with the help of our allknowing, good, unchangeable God and your close family and friends, you can do more than make it through -- you can WIN the World Series!

John T. Catrett, III

ONHL Hospice Chaplain

124 East Broadway, P.O. Box 1216

Drumright, Ok. 74030
