

Mouse is gray with pink ears. Like the rabbit in Margery Williams’ book The Velvetine Rabbit, Mouse shows evidence of having been loved- - a lot. His gray fur is rumpled, his pink ears have been chewed with one almost chewed close to his head, and he is missing one black whisker. All of these signs are due to numerous lickings and chewings by my cats.

Not Knowing Can Eat Away at You!

Ambiguous losses are shrouded in uncertainty, seem to go on forever, and show no signs of ending. They are much more prevalent than the general public realizes, and cause much confusion for would-be caregivers who try to provide support for the bereaved.

Stepping Stones

"Grief is a tidal wave that overtakes you, smashes down upon you with unimaginable force, sweeps us up into its darkness, where we tumble and crash against unidentifiable surfaces, only to be thrown out on an unknown beach, bruised, reshaped... Grief will make a new person out of us, if it doesn't kill us in the making." ~ Stephanie Ericsson


To the Citizens of Bristow, At 301 E 1st and Chestnut there is a new dispensary going in, also they want to put in a grow house behind this building. Since we have 300 grow houses surrounding Bristow, I see no need in having one in the city limits of Bristow only a few blocks from downtown.

Guilt goes hand in hand with Grief!

Just when we think we are really coming to grips with our grief and learning to live fully in the world alone, that big black ugly thundercloud of grief comes rolling back into our lives with tornado-like winds of emotion.

Are You Set Free?

The American Colonists were battling their fellow Americans due to a clash of ideology. Tories sided with the British during the eight years of the Revolutionary War in which 6,800 casualties occurred. Many more died in prisons and some were never found.

Family Discussions

Being friends Sandy was going to a new school. It was her first day at the school and she was excited.

Have You Been Wandering?

The sunny spring day was a great day to go hiking. A youth camp was adjacent to the park. They chose to hike the Rugged Canyon Trail. The trail suddenly ascended into the thick pine forest. It wound left, then right. They wondered, “Where’s the Rugged Canyon?”

A New Identity in a New Year!

Most people, who are mourning the death of a loved one are not aware that their difficult experience also includes a change in identity. They are not the same person they used to be, and identity change is a major part of the adjustment process.

. . . from the Pastor’s Desk

Separation from God is a person’s greatest problem, and because of that separation, one cannot experience the abundant life coming from a personal relationship with God. Life is filled with a great many problems.