Family Discussions


Something for Christmas

Christmas was coming and again Pop had no extra money for gifts. The children did not complain. They had gone to the woods, brought home a tree, and decorated it with hand-made decorations. Lisa had made a paper chain out of colored paper and old newspaper clippings. Bob had painstakingly carved a bird to place on the top of the tree, and all the children had gathered red wild berries and placed them on the tree’s branches. They all sang Christmas carols as they went about their tasks. Since they had no fireplace, they hung their socks near the gas heater. Each child searched through their scant treasures to find something for Christmas for their siblings.

Pop sat in the darkness with just the glow of the gas stove for light. Life was hard for all of them, and making his meager funds stretch for basics was a constant challenge. He saved a dime for each child’s sock for Christmas Eve, and he knew the children would be glad to get that. After all, since they had very little, they appreciated everything that was given to them. He was proud of his children for this important lesson which would last. As he closed his eyes and nodded off to sleep, Pop prayed a thank you to God for his family.

The next day as the children awoke, they were happy singing and thanking each other for gifts: hand-made paper dolls from notebook paper, hand-made handkerchiefs from outworn clothing, hand-made cars from wooden thread spools, and they all worked on fixing Pop breakfast. Then they walked to Pop’s parents’ home and sang carols to them. When they returned home, there was a box of Christmas candy, nuts and fruit on the doorstep. Lisa cried, “Oh look, Santa came again.” Pop’s eyes filled with tears as he saw this magnificent gift. He had no idea who brought it. He told the children to bow their heads and say thank you to God and to remember to thank God for Jesus. “He is what Christmas is about, kids,” Pop said. “He gave the world something for Christmas long ago which still keeps on giving.”

Discussion: Can you remember a special Christmas? What made it special?