Family Discussions


Storks,Crows,Corn And Farmer


There was a stork who happened to be flying by a cornfield. He thought he would rest awhile in it. While he sat there resting, a flock of crows came to the cornfield and began eating the corn. Instead of leaving, the stork thought to himself, 'I am not eating the corn. I am not stealing from the farmer. I'm just resting here.'

The farmer came along at that time with nets and caught the crows and the stork. The poor stork cried out, 'I wasn't stealing your corn!' But the farmer said, 'You may not have eaten my corn, but I really do not know that. All I know is that you are here with the crows that I saw eating my corn. So, you will suffer the same fate as they.' And put the crows and the stork into cages. He added, 'You will be known by the company you keep.'

Discussion: How is this saying true of people? Do you think the farmer was being fair in his actions?