

Once again, it takes an Oklahoman


It would be easy enough simply to wring our hands over the political divisiveness in America today and move on. Heaven knows, most members of Congress are perfectly willing to follow that path, saluting their political parties first and standing for America only when it’s convenient.

And yet, in deep red Oklahoma, a man stands and is counted.

The presidential election is over. The certification of the states is coming. The American process is working. One man will be elected President. Until certification, only two men have the possibility of being president: Donald Trump and Joe Biden. One of them will take the oath of office on January 20, 2021.

Throughout the election process, both men received daily intelligence briefings, a vital analysis of the threats facing our country and our safety. And yet today, it has somehow become a controversy that those briefings should continue for Biden through out the process. What?

Is the safety of our people so inconsequential that we’re willing to deny the possible next President of the United States the intelligence briefings that allow him to protect us? Is our divisiveness so stark that we’re willing to put ourselves in danger for pure partisanship?

Maybe not. Among the first patriots to stand for American safety was our own Senator James Lankford. Against tremendous partisan pressure, Sen. Lankford insisted that the Biden transition team continue to receive these vital briefings. While he by no means is yet convinced of a Biden victory, he—almost alone—has stood for preparing for the possible transition of power by keeping both candidates sufficiently informed to be ready on day one.

We elect leaders to keep us safe so we can live our lives in peace. Sen. Lankford is a leader willing to face criticism in order to do his job, his patriotic duty. Our children will be grateful.