What is God really like?


When’s the last time you heard that once-familiar phrase, “It takes two lifetimes to really get to know someone!” That is such a scary phrase for some. Why? Well, most people would say, “I don’t have two lifetimes!” Obvious, isn’t it?

Psalm 90:10 reads, “Our lifetime is 70 years. If we are strong, then we might live to be 80 years old. But those years are full of hard work and pain. They pass quickly, and then we are gone.”

The King James Version of the Bible reads, “Our days are numbered threescore years and ten.” Moses is credited with writing this Psalm, and many generations have found it to be true. Those words may also have influenced Abraham Lincoln to begin his Gettysburg Address.

Have you ever heard, “Your days are numbered!”? That may be referring to the above Psalm, or it might be referencing Psalm 139. Please read these Psalms in your own Bible. After reading for yourself, what is King David saying to you?

There are many positive truths throughout Psalm 139. This Psalm says that you are never alone; not even before your birth! That’s how much God knows you.

When Irene was 58 years old, she was in the hospital. She was on her deathbed. At 2 A.M., December 24th, Irene called the nurse, “Call my daughter and husband; I need them here right now!”

They came immediately. Shortly after they arrived, Irene took three labored breaths, and then she was gone. She didn’t want to die alone!

God tells us in Psalm 139 that He not only knows the day of our birth, and everything else about us, but He also knows the day of our death. “Your days are numbered.” Life can’t keep going, but you don’t have to die alone!

There isn’t anywhere you can go that He is not there. If you soar into the highest heights or plunge into the lowest depths, God is there. How does that make you feel? God is there, wherever you are.

Please read James 4:14 in your own Bible. It tells us, ”Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”

The length of your life on this earth is uncertain and brief! Why not give God all that you have? At the end of your life, He will bring you into heaven if you “store your treasures in heaven… The place where your treasure is will also be the place where your heart is” (Matthew 6:1921).