What Can Make You Rich?


During the Oklahoma land runs, large gatherings of people had great hope. They came from distant states with a burning desire to succeed. Some wanted to become rich. A few did.

Some sold possessions they’d carried from home. Wagons, riders on horses lined up. Excitement was electric! The gun sounded. There was a hasty bolt of energy. Free land!

Some acquired huge plots and became rich. Others were glad to get a few acres of fertile land. They believed they were rich.

Some staked out land and became rich.

What can make you rich? You might play the lottery, but some statisticians have determined that you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than to win the big one. What about starting your own business? Few succeed!

You might inherit a bank account, but then you’d have to pass that on someday. It will go to your family or your government. Which would you prefer? What is your best option?

There is something that can make you rich! No one can take it away from you. “Committing oneself to Jesus Christ is what makes a person right with God. Salvation is for anyone who believes” (Romans 3:22). Is it only believing? Believing what? There is obedience also!

There’s a problem you may still have today “because everyone has sinned and is far away from God’s glory. But with God’s gracious love, we are made right with God through Christ Jesus who sets us free. And, all of this is free! God offered Christ as a sacrifice. When Christ died, this became the way that sins are taken away – if we believe. This showed God’s justice, too. God passed over sins which had been committed before this time. He let it go. But now, at this present time, to show His justice, He makes a person who trusts in God righteous, and He is still fair!” (Romans 3:2326).

God’s justice will make some rich, and His justice will also destroy those who turn from Him and His Son, Jesus.

This is also how God shows that He is fair. Those who trust in Him for salvation will gain riches beyond imagination – eternal life!

But those who don’t trust in God will not become rich.

How can you become rich? Turn to Jesus! He is the demonstration of God’s love. Those who don’t believe are eternally separated from Him. That isn’t a rich life!

Please read about God’s love in your own Bible and seek Him with all your heart!