  • Voters at the polls today were light. Voters were voting on either a council/city manager or a mayor/council form of government. Rebecca Langston photo
    Voters at the polls today were light. Voters were voting on either a council/city manager or a mayor/council form of government. Rebecca Langston photo
  • Rebecca Langston photo
    Rebecca Langston photo

City council meets

The Bristow City Council members, along with the mayor, met in council chambers Monday evening for the council's first meeting in April.

After the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation, the board got down to business discussing agenda items such as discussion and possible action to appoint a resident of Ward 1 to fill the unexpired term of Council member Tex Slyman.

A presentation was given to the council by Chief of Police Raney and Assistant Chief of Police Webster regarding tasers for the Bristow Police Department and discussion was made on approval of a lease with Azon Enterprises for tasers for the PD.

The council discussed possible action to appoint Council woman Kris Wyatt as the City of Bristow's INCOG representative.

Moving on down the agenda, the council discussed possible action to abate property located at 322 N. Maple Street due to weeds, grass, trash and debris. The board then discussed action on two ordinances amending Chapter 26.

On the hospital side of the meeting, the board heard a presentation from a Carrus representative regarding the upgrades to the Bristow Medical Center and an update on the licensure of Bristow Medical Center with approval of the Medical Provider Number, improvements to the hospital and the doctor's building.

The city council meets the first and third Mondays of the month. The public is always welcome to attend these meetings.