Two cases of West Nile Virus confirmed, be cautious when outside


We have all heard a lot recently about 'be cautious outside due to the extreme heat'. But let us also take note of what else that heat brings with it after the wet weather we have had, Mosquitos. They are out in large amounts right now and with them they are bringing the West Nile Virus. There have been four human cases of West Nile Virus confirmed in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma State Health Department reports there are two confirmed human cases in Oklahoma County, one in Stephens County, and one in Pittsburg County, totalling four confirmed. And still some suspected cases not yet confirmed in other counties.

The Tulsa County Health Department's website shows which areas have tested positive each week according to their mosquito trap data. There has been 31 test samples positive for this season and there are still a few months to go.

This virus can be deadly. Symptoms may consist of a sudden fever, headache, and body or joint pain. So let us all be on alert and take extra precautions to protect ourselves and our loved ones when spending time outside. And that includes our furry friends also. Most symptoms in our pets are inapparent or mild. But if your pet shows signs of incoordination, muscle weakness or spasms, seizures or paralysis, see your veterinarian.