. . . from the Pastor’s Desk


For many folks without hope, quitting and giving up because of the troubles and the trials they face in life seems a viable option. I think of circumstances close to home: the deaths of family members or friends, a young mother searching for baby formula on an empty grocery store shelf, financial struggles due to inflation, a lost job, cut hours, or burdensome medical bills, extreme pain challenges or sleep deprivation, and health concerns of others, or maybe it is a family member away from the Lord that you are praying for.

Today, however, I want to assure you that God’s promises are true, and He has many blessings for you if you do not give up or quit. You see . . . ONLY GOD can provide hope!

People can become anxious, depressed, and feel hopelessness because they take their eyes off the HOPE-GIVER. Some lose hope because of what a doctor said, or because of what circumstances are dictating, but I want to assure you today that what you may deem a hopeless situation does not mean that God has left you. Just because things do not work out exactly as you planned does not mean that God is not actively involved.

No matter the circumstance, God is still where He said He would be in Matthew 28:20 b (NLT): “ 20b And be sure of this: I am WITH YOU always, even to the end of the age.” You see, the very breath of God is HOPE! When God breathes into you . . . HOPE is restored anew.

So, if you are going through a tough patch—don’t throw in the towel just yet. It may appear that all hope is gone, that no one is interested in the work God is doing in you, but don’t give up just yet . . . BECAUSE GOD SAYS HE’S NOT FINISHED!

In Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV) we read: “ 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Having hope means don’t give up—try again!

There is a story in Luke 5:56 (NIV): “ 5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” 6 When they had done so; they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.” Life with Christ is an endless hope! but life without Christ is an endless hopelessness!

When your heart is in close intimate relationship to God’s heart, you will be able to withstand any of the storms of life, and THERE WILL BE STORMS! but remember, God always does His best work when you have no more answers. God always does His best work when you get to the end of YOU, or when you are out of resources, talents, and reserves. It is then that God will step in if you call on His Name. That is when He provides unmeasurable HOPE by reminding you that He is the Hope Giver!

God’s Word is full of promises— promises that He always keeps, and you can count on Him. I have personal first-hand knowledge that WHAT HE SAYS . . . HE WILL DO!

Always in His Service, Pastor Ron Fellowship Church of the Nazarene