Family Discussions




At Olympics time, I am always excited to see athletes challenging themselves to be their best. Also, on talent shows such as American’s Got Talent and The Voice, it is good to see when people succeed in accomplishing goals. During the Olympic Games at least for a short time we can feel peaceful and not at war with other nations, but just joyfully competing with each other and each country. It is gratifying to see athletes demonstrating good sportsmanship as well. At such times I feel pride in my Country and its representing athletes whether they are winning or losing. It seems during the Games thoughts of bigotry and injustice can be set aside. I truly wish respect for each other could infiltrate all human activity and not just in the Games….at times, not just for a short time.

I must admit that a particularly beautiful piece of music or vocal rendition can cause me to have goosebumps or even tears. It stirs something inside me. It makes me feel grateful to hear it.

Inspiration is a byproduct of such events as Olympics. Look outside and see if more people are working on jogging, skateboarding, biking, playing ball, swimming, or otherwise honing their abilities. Inspiration also occurs when people give their best, whether in music, sports, writing, building, working at their jobs, caring for others, or any other human activity. It feels good to feel a part of something bigger than self. That might be a part of what inspiration does.

Discussion: How do you feel when others succeed? How do you feel when you do not succeed? Do you urge yourself to do better? Do you feel jealousy? Do you just discount others’ success as not important if it does not affect you directly? What benefits do you see in having Olympic Games? Of what do you feel inspired?