City council meets in chambers

  • City council meets in chambers
    City council meets in chambers

The Bristow City Council met in chambers Monday evening discussing various agenda items on the city side, municipal side and hospital authority side. After roll call, invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance the council got busy approving the minutes from the last meeting and approving claims.

Presentations were given by Heather Hutto, Bristow Librarian, Jeremy Scott on promoting Bristow and Councilwoman Kris Wyatt on Bristow Parks.

The council discussed and considered the purchase of a new backhoe for the cemetery. This will replace the one that was damaged in the Tire Recycling Plant fire a few months back.

Two possible abatements were in front of the council. Even though two abatement were on the agenda, they were listed as one property located at 209 W. 12th Street, for weeds, grass and debris and the other for dilapidate buildings. The property is owned by Nona Wight/Betty Joe Cobbs, The board then went into executive session for discussion on negotiations with the Fraternal Order of Police, for a collective bargaining agreement for the fiscal year and the International Association of Fire Fighters discussing an amendment to the collective bargaining act.

One item discussed on Monday evening was payment of a claim for fencing around the new dog park. Looks like Bristow is getting a dog park. The park is being built on city property located on South Chestnut and Highway 48. This park will allow animal owners to take their dogs to the park for recreation. Of course, regulations will apply.