Bristow Band Boosters to hold auction


Each year, students join band with the hopes of learning to play a musical instrument, read music, perform concerts, march in parades and halftime shows, and compete against other bands both state and nationwide. Unlike with sports, band students’ hard work and dedication is oft overlooked, and funding significantly downsized, which is why donations, grants, and organizations like band boosters prove paramount to many bands’ successes. Locally, the Bristow Band Boosters raise money in support of Bristow band students, and the organization is preparing for a significant community fundraising event on Saturday.

Bristow Band Boosters will host a multifaceted fundraising event Saturday, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Chuck West Field- house and high school cafeteria. As the event opens, patrons will be able to purchase a meal filled with three smoked meats, sides, dessert, and a drink for $15. Meals will include bologna, brisket, and pulled pork, and all meats will be smoked by Larry Coleman of The Burnin’ Luv BBQ Co., according to Bristow Band Booster Vice President Callie Montgomery. The event will also host both silent and live auctions, with Pokey Varner serving as auctioneer. Additionally, patrons in attendance will be entertained from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. by the Bristow High School Jazz Band as they dine and will be able to purchase raffle tickets for a 55-inch television during the event. The live auction will begin after the jazz band performance ends.

Further, VP Montgomery and Booster President Cynthia Long want patrons to know that they may attend regardless of if they wish to participate in all facets of the event. For example, anyone may choose to attend the auction even if they do not wish to purchase a meal; likewise, anyone may choose to purchase a meal even if they do not wish to participate in the auctions. However, Montgomery noted that patrons may wish to participate in the auctions, providing examples of some valuable auction packages that will be available. She said packages range from small to large and include items such as automotive items and services, a kayak, a firepit, bowling packages, and gift certificates for goods, services, food or restaurants, and experiences such as zoo packages.

As in the fall when Bristow Band Boosters also operate the concession stand at Hafer Field to raise money in support of the band, the Boosters hope you find something you enjoy and make a purchase, helping them support the band. Fundraiser proceeds benefit the band and band students. Boosters-raised funds go toward the purchase and repair of school-owned instruments, sheet music, and food and snacks for band students during performances, events, and training camps.

Currently, the Bristow Band Boosters consists of a ninemember board with varying numbers of parent and community volunteers. The Boosters hold a monthly meeting, which varies in day and time each month. The organization’s next meeting is this Thursday, April 13, at 5:30 p.m. in the band room at the high school. The Boosters welcome anyone interested in learning more or wanting to join or volunteer. Alternatively, interested parties may visit and message their Facebook page: Bristow Band Booster Club.

President Long encourages others to join, saying “Being a booster has given me so many more opportunities to make memories with my kid and the other band kids. It’s like being an additional parent and being able to proud of them all as if they’re your own. Everyone should be part of the boosters whether it’s an hour a month or multiple days, whatever you offer is rewarding for yourself as well as all of the kids.”

Finally, in acknowledgment of and appreciation for the Boosters and community support, Bristow Band Director Ryan McCreary said, “Community and parent support for the Bristow Band Boosters creates a foundation for the success of the Bristow Band Program, which provides educational opportunities students may not otherwise receive.” He, like the Boosters and band students, hopes the community will attend the auction and dinner Saturday in support of the program and its students.

Anyone with questions about the event or wanting to donate something for the auction may contact Callie Montgomery at (918) 285-0717.