American Legion Auxilary gives Holiday food baskets to Veterans

  • Pictured are Teresa Coker, MJ Mayes, president of the American Legion Auxilary, Teresa Livesey and Elvin Anderson, commander..
    Pictured are Teresa Coker, MJ Mayes, president of the American Legion Auxilary, Teresa Livesey and Elvin Anderson, commander..
  • Pictured are Jackie Howell, Sam Proctor, Teresa Coker, American Legion Auxilary and Elvin Anderson, American Legion commander..
    Pictured are Jackie Howell, Sam Proctor, Teresa Coker, American Legion Auxilary and Elvin Anderson, American Legion commander..

On Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023, the American Legion and American Legion Auxilary gave out food baskets and presents to area Veterans and their families for the Holidays. A total of 25 baskets were distributed and 24 children will have smiles on their faces Christmas morning thanks to the American Legion and Auxilary. The legion held a toy drive on Saturday, Dec. 9 to gather toys for the children. The American Legion would like to thank all the organizations in Bristow who donated items, with a special thank you to Williams Food, for all the support with items to help fill the Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets. The Legion says they could not have done this without all the help from the community. Happy Holidays to all of you.

Started by Alex Rodriquez several years ago, the American Legion holds a monthly breakfast for all area Veterans who wish to attend. A new name for the group has been established, “Crossroads Veterans Association”. The breakfasts are held the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 8 a.m. at the Crossroads Diner in Bristow. At the last meeting the group took up donation and took the donation collected and gave it to Bristow Social Services for help with the Holiday.