A message from the Bristow Retail Merchants Association


Due to the rise in coronavirus cases, the ice skating rink will not open for the holiday


The Bristow Retail Merchants Association has had to make a tough decision. Covid has forced many people to make tough decisions; and those decisions don’t come easily. We do feel like with it being an outside event it decreased the chances of exposure to anyone, but with the lacing and unlacing of the skates we felt like the risk would still be somewhat present. We made a decision that if we were to err we wanted to err on the side of caution. Therefore, we have made the hard decision to not open the ice rink during the holiday season. Stay tuned though, because We haven’t given up on the possibility of ice-skating in the summertime. Thank you to all who helped us get the rink set up and who are helping with the takedown process. A special thank you to Coop’s Stop & Shop for allowing us the space to put it up, and for being patient with us while we get it disassembled. Again we apologize and we hate that Covid has forced us all to make decisions like this, but we hope you understand.