Sunrise, Sunset

  • A group of BHS seniors got together to watch the sunrise and sunset as their last year of school begins.
    A group of BHS seniors got together to watch the sunrise and sunset as their last year of school begins.

Dear Seniors, We’re almost done with the long stressful four years of high school. We start to think about our futures and what we want to be. We start to put away our childhood things and trade them for college degrees and PHD’s. If only someone would have told us it would be this hard to leave.

This is the only thing we’ve ever know and we’ve made so many friendships that well have to leave behind as we walk into a new chapter of our lives. Don’t worry I believe we’ll all turn out ok, but don’t stress about who you need to become live, laugh and do all the stupid stuff you want you only live once and it would be a shame if you wasted it. To the class of 2023 congrats it’s almost over

From classmate Rosie Allen