Building alcohol refusal skills


September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young adults and for every youth suicide it is estimated that 100 to 200 others attempt suicide.

Young adulthood is a time when many people experience significant stress from life transitions such as gaining more independence and responsibility. Oklahoma recently launched 988: the three-digit phone number to call in a mental health crisis, whether that is thoughts of suicide, substance abuse issues or other mental health problems, like depression or anxiety.

Alcohol is often a factor in suicidal behavior among young men and male teens. According to the latest OPNA report, 10 th graders in Creek County are drinking alcohol more often than the state average. Building your child’ skills and strategies for avoiding underage drinking is an essential prevention step and influences overall wellness. Over 80% of young people ages 1018 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision to drink or not drink. We all know peer pressure is a powerful thing. At times, it could be tempting to drink just to avoid looking uncool to peers. To help assist your child in resisting peer pressure, it is a great idea to build refusal skills and practice them together.

Below are a few alcohol refusal examples:

• No,thanks.

• No,I don’t drink.

• No,I could get suspended from the team.

• No,my parents are strict.

• No,but can I grab a water?

• No,but let’s [insert alternative activity.

For more information about underage drinking or refusal skills, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with K’Cee Scoggins at kcee.scoggins@okstate. edu or visit

Bristow High School’s leaership class and volunteers helped at the Bristow Social Services on the Day of Caring.