Bristow OHCE holds March meeting


The Bristow OHCE met on March 10, Ray Kinslow opened the meeting by presenting “I Refuse to Worry” as the devotional. This was followed by Vice-President Carolyn Kuykendall leading the club in U.S. pledge and the OHCE Creed. Noting the loss and passing of Jane Chapman. Household Tip/Resource, it was decided members would share their household tips/thoughts. The Bristow OHCE will be determining how to honor Ms. Chapman.

Committee and project discussions/suggestions included biographical booklets and plastic canvas shamrock and cross. Noting March is Women’s History Month, Kinslow noted that Shirley Chisholm was the first woman Senator. Due to illness, Cross-Stitch classes are tabled until late April or May. Reports included members working at Livestock Show and announcing the Creek County Council meeting Friday, March 12, 2021; The North East OK District Virtual meeting being Tuesday, March 26, 2021. Both are at the Creek County Extension. The NE District can also be zoomed on Zoom.

Carolyn Kuykendall presented the “Sheet Pan Meals” and described cooking directions. Kuykendall talked about cooking a “Sheet Pan Meal” and how it can be customized to meet family and individual needs. She added this was a good way of using vegetables. Recipe examples were given to members. Carolyn also explained what consists of “a good 2,000 calorie diet.”

Joyce Kinslow presented the “History of Kitchens” leader lesson. Kinslow showed pictures and described various times from 1930 to the 2000’s, such as when Jello and Bisquick was introduced. She passed out handouts for both kitchen cab inets at different periods from 1930-2000. Members also received recipes from these different periods of time. Guests were Sheryl Cortez and Rebecca Bond, who also joined and became a member that day.