Abby Bell a candidate for state FFA office

  • Abby Bell a candidate for state FFA office
    Abby Bell a candidate for state FFA office

Abby Bell, a member of the Bristow FFA chapter, is a candidate for state FFA office. Running for the office of state FFA reporter, Bell faces the opportunity of serving more than 25,000 Oklahoma FFA members.

State FFA officers travel across the state and nation to provide leadership and personal development training for FFA members. They also make decisions about organizational policy.

“Serving as a state officer is one of the greatest honors in FFA,” said Trevor Lucas, state FFA executive secretary. “Officers play an extremely important role within our state association and are expected to set the example both in and out of the jacket for all of Oklahoma FFA members.”

Through a series of interviews on February 20 and 21, a nominating committee narrowed the field of candidates to three for each of the seven offices up for election. The eighth race is for state president, whose candidates have served as officers since May 2020. Two delegates from each of Oklahoma’s 365 official FFA chapters will cast the deciding votes during the upcoming convention. The new officers will be introduced during the final convention session Wednesday, April 28, in the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City, Okla.

To provide a safe, socially distanced convention experience for all guests, attendance will be limited. For those unable to attend due to COVID-19 protocols, all sessions will be livestreamed and accessible free of charge on is an integral part of the Agricultural Education Division of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education system. The Oklahoma FFA Association is the fifth-largest state association in the nation with more than 25,000 members. The FFA mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. For more information, visit and follow @FFAOK on Twitter or @okffa on Instagram.