What Can Give You Peace?


His wife is watching him die. His two grown daughters will soon lose his words of fatherly wisdom. His rambunctious grandchildren, all boys, will soon lose their once-cuddly grandpa -- who also got rambunctious with them.

He and his wife just celebrated four decades of marriage. The daughters arranged for many dear friends and family to attend a final anniversary celebration for the couple.

But, where were the tears? Not in his eyes! His wife displayed a genuine joy as she greeted and mingled with guests. The daughters were busy keeping their boys settled, but found great peace in the moment. How can this be? It became a “celebration of life” before his death.

This man will certainly be painfully missed by his wife and daughters, and his young grandboys. There will be tears when the void comes. His older daughter stated, “We know where he will spend eternity.” Her younger sister agreed.

The man’s cancer is stealing his energy, appearance, and his life. He was never perfect, but by God’s power the man was made perfect.

In Proverbs 16:24 King Solomon writes, “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb. They make a person happy and healthy.” Many Bible verses may sound negative, but multitudes give hope. Hope brings peace, and peace gives joy.

The apostle John quotes Jesus in John 14:27: “I am leaving peace with you. I am giving you my peace. This peace that I am giving you is not like the type that the world gives. Don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”

Circumstances in life get out of control. Does the certainty of death make you uncertain about eternity?

Jesus’ promise is for those who truly believe in Him. He said, “Don’t let your heart be troubled…There are many rooms in my Father’s House… Since I am leaving to prepare a place for you, you can be sure that I will come back and take you with me” ( John 14:1-3). Is your trust in Jesus?

John writes a significant message to you who may be feeling insignificant. Jesus said, “I came, so that they may have life—-to the fullest” (John 10:10). Life has sorrows, pain, and tears. You can face and overcome when life hurts. Trust in Jesus to bring you out and beyond them—-and into eternity!

Heaven! It is promised to God’s faithful believers. Jesus gives hope to all who not only believe, but who also obey.

Please read Philippians 3:711 in your own Bible. It isn’t “works” that makes anyone right with God. It is faith that brings peace and joy in Jesus!