Now that hot weather is here, beware of the temperature change inside a car


With the hot summer months upon us, we need to remember to never leave a child unattended in a car. It is very vital that you keep your children with you at all times, even if you are just running into a store for what you feel is just a few short minutes.

A child under the age of four can die of heatstroke, when left inside a vehicle, even on a 70 degree day. The temperature inside a car, on a mild day, can rise by 19 degrees in a matter of minutes. In 2021, 23 children died from vehicular heatstroke in the United States. That is 23 children too many. A few years back, the Bristow News did an experiment where thermometers were put inside a car after the temperature was read outside. Within 15 minutes, the temperature inside the car rose to over 100 degrees, even with the windows cracked.

Heatstroke begins when the body's core temperature reaches 104 degrees. A child can die when their small body reaches 107 degrees.

When you see something that you think is dangerous, doesn't matter what it is, call 911. Time is of the essence when saving the life of a child left in a hot car. This also applies to your animals. If it is too hot for you in the vehicle, then it is too hot for them and your animal could very easily die. Leave them at home if you are not going somewhere you are unable to take the animal.