What’s Your Greatest Adventure?


It was a bright spring afternoon in 1959. One boy in the small group of three came up with a remedy for their boredom. He convinced Nicky and Marilyn that they should accept his unprecedented idea of walking to a neighborhood duck pond. Their amazing adventure had begun. Never mind they were only five-year-old children!

The one boy knew the way because his father had driven him there several times to feed the ducks. The children walked nearly two miles before coming to a wide and busy New York City roadway! They were thirsty, tired, and ready to return home. Crossing a busy street alone with busses and trucks whizzing along wasn’t smart for tiny bodies. They turned around, not making it to their destination.

A man in a black car came along and offered them a ride, but they refused. Besides noticing that the car was going in the wrong direction, they were taught to never get in a stranger’s car. Nicky and Marilyn were convinced to walk in the correct direction.

Once on their home street, a few concerned parents greeted them, along with some policemen. It was dinner time; they were hungry! And many hours had passed since they began their adventurous trek.

Sixty-five years later, Marilyn still tells others about their great adventure. But when she recalls pleasant childhood memories, that hike isn’t one of her favorites. What’s your greatest adventure?

You might like to read adventure books but you may not know that the Bible is filled with true adventure stories.

What would happen if you were alive when the flood in Noah’s day suddenly came? (Genesis 7) How might you live through being surrounded by a destructive and cruel Assyrian army? (2 Chronicles 32) What if you were pursued by the evil Queen Jezebel? (1 Kings 19) How could you face down a fearsome nine-foot-tall giant? (1 Samuel 17) What would you do if you were a passenger with the apostle Paul when he was shipwrecked? (Acts 27) Have you wondered what it was like to stand before Roman rulers who could pardon or kill you? ( John 18) Jesus was born to die -- for you! (John 3:16) He didn’t die for himself but for the world! Life’s greatest adventures begin with Jesus saving your soul! (Matthew 19) He wants you to know that!

Please read these adventurous stories in your own Bible, and learn about the tremendous power of God. Learn of His compassion and of His great desire for you to be saved from your sins! Learn that God “wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4)