“How To Simply Not Live”


A few years ago, we were introduced to a book titled “HOW NOT TO DIE” by Dr. Michael Greger. This physician wrote an excellent book chock full of advice for keeping your body as healthy as you can, for as long as possible. We recommend it to anyone who is seeking to live a healthier lifestyle.

But if that is not your goal, then we have a few tips in the following article just for you.

“HOW TO SIMPLY NOT LIVE” by Andy and Renie Bowman should be on your nightstand, next to your favorite poisonous pill so you can ingest our instructions right before bedtime.

Eat. Drink. Inhale. Snort. Everything that could possibly harm your body. Drinking water, fruit, and vegetables should be avoided at all costs.

Always aim to drink and drive as much as you can. Clearheaded alertness is the bane of trying to destroy yourself.

Hold on to grudges and bad memories. Forgiveness so you can go on with your own life should be avoided. Eat, drink, and sleep with one thought; to get revenge for what was done to you.

Do not talk out your pain with a person you can trust. Hold it in so it can fester for years. Remember, anger is your best buddy.

Make the couch your constant companion. Avoid any kind of physical activity that you may be able to do. “Exercise of any kind is bad for you” …. repeat that phrase to yourself often.

Keep sleep habits as erratic as possible. Avoid regular patterns that might promote enough rest that helps your brain and your body to heal.

Dwell on what is not possible for you. Self-talk that gives you encouragement to try is not what you are needing. Shame should be fed and exercised daily.

And no healthy relationships that could stimulate mental and emotional healing. Being around upbeat and well-rounded people who can help shape better thought patterns could derail you from your intended longterm goal.

If and when the thought of taking your own life surfaces - or the life of someone else, dwell heavily on it. Make it the center of your existence. Shun any attempt to find joy in simple acts of living.

The most detrimental thing you can do is to believe there really is a plan for your life. That there is One who is always working to help you find that plan. The wrong approach to living is trusting in God and anyone else around you who believes He is a loving Creator. Faith is not going to help you accomplish what you are wanting to do.

Although there are many more ideas that can help you down your path to a sad and depressed shortened life, these are just a few headliners that will alleviate that nagging sense of well-being. Always remember, the choices you make determine how restless and desperate you feel, so choose wisely. Stay away from the healthy. We do hope we have helped you to find your way to an unhealthier lifestyle.


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