
How Painful Is Your Life?

Pete was born into a wildlifeloving family. He was still in diapers when his father, Kyle, would bundle him, his older brother, Andrew, and his older sister, Susan, into the family’s pickup for a day of fishing. Even Pete’s mom, Linda, went along.

What has America become?

Has America become the land of special interest and the home of the double standard? Let's see, if we lie to Congress, it's a felony, if Congress lies to us it's just politics. The government spends millions to rehabilitate criminals and does almost nothing for victims.

Thinking Out Loud

One of the real difficulties we find, especially as we get older, is that people we have known for years begin to die as one generation is replaced by the next. When we are young, we think we are invincible and will live forever; and that death is just something for old folks.

. . . from the Pastor’s Desk

Pain and suffering. Many of us experience pain and suffering in one way or another; physical, emotional, relationally, financial. Sometimes our pain and suffering is mild, but at other times we wonder how we will ever go on. There have been times I have asked that question— maybe you have also. I have the answer if you’re asking that question . . His name is Jesus the Christ.

Thinking Out Loud

Has someone you trust told you a secret about your deceased loved one that has added immeasurably to your grief? Were you going through his/her papers and found some information about the past that has stunned you? Has evidence of physical or emotional infidelity turned up as you read old emails? It is unusual for a family member to discover something, either positive or negative, about a deceased loved one that was never previously known. In either case, the discovery can bring anger, a feeling of broken trust, or added sadness because the deceased was not forthcoming.

Thinking Out Loud

ONHL Hospice Chaplain Drumright, Oklahoma Bristow, Oklahoma There are moments in life when we get so caught up in the emotions and events of what has happened in the past that we miss out on the present. We can let these feelings of despair, fear, or sadness engulf us.

OHCE holds monthly meeting

New president for Bristow OHCE and January lesson is Importance of Lifelong Learning. Bristow OHCE began their 2024 year with newly elected Kathy Thompson and lifelong learning as the lesson.

“Bad Memories Have A Long Shelf Life”

Have you ever had a bad day, when everything you touched just soured? Sure, we all have had those kinds of days, nothing new to any of us. And when you had one, didn’t you find that it was difficult to be a sweetheart to everyone around you? After all, living twentyfour hours in the pits doesn’t exactly make you feel like being The Perfect Parent/ Spouse/ Employee. Probably, more than likely people avoided you like the plague, to evade getting bombarded by the toxic words spewing out of your mouth.