Your Finest Hour!


What phrase shall I use? Congratulations? Best wishes? Finally? Free at last? We’re proud of you? God bless you? We thought this day would never come? Other similar greetings could be chosen.

My choice is: “Congratulations and welcome to your new world.” I envision each one of you waving your diploma and shouting, “Hello world. Look out! Here we come!” And the echo is resounding, “Come on, graduate. We welcome you. You are needed.”

Few occasions are as thrilling and emotional as walking across the stage, receiving your diploma, changing your tassel on your cap, and enjoying the graduation parties. Graduation Day…finally, it’s here!

When the sun rises after your ceremony, it will indeed be “a new day.” A new adventure begins. I hope each of you will pursue your chosen endeavor with much enthusiasm, energy and great expectations.

Welcome to your world of change and opportunity! The world YOU chose! Now YOU get to make the decisions that will affect your life, your community, your nation, your family, your church, and your reputation. Some decisions will be easy, but others will be difficult. Some will be joyous, and some will bring heartbreak. The years spent earning your diploma are the foundation stones for the making of all future decisions. Decide carefully because the results are now yours.

Welcome to your world of challenges! Your diploma is evidence that you have “successfully completed the courses and met the requirements” for the degree you are receiving. You were challenged many times by your teachers, your parents, and your classmates. Now you have achieved. Now a new adventure begins. The phrase, “Be the best of whatever you are” is worth memorizing. Whatever your choice of life’s work, be the best! Your profession will challenge every fiber within you. Live and work not to outshine others, but to possess that personal satisfaction that comes when you are able to say, “I have done my best!”

Welcome to your world of faith! Paul wrote to a young man by the name of Timothy and said, “ not let anyone despise your youthfulness,” and Luke records that Jesus “grew in height and wisdom and was loved by God and all who knew him.” Faith is not limited only to our relationship to God, but there is faith in our country, faith in our friends, faith in business transactions, even faith in what we eat and when we sit on a chair! Faith, really, is in every aspect of life. In your life and in your career, be a person of faith and optimism—not one who is critical, doubtful, suspicious or unbelieving.

A final thought…As you don your cap and gown and prepare to join your happy graduation processional, take time to reflect and be grateful for all who have helped you attain your diploma. Think about your parents, family, grandparents, your many teachers, coaches, classmates, friends, neighbors and people in the community who helped you such as ministers, youth ministers, social workers, police, doctors, civic leaders, and volunteers; these are a few of the many who are rejoicing at your graduation.

Teachers have instructed you in academics, sports, music, drama and social skills. Others have taught the way you should live, work, and establish your home. Still others have shared the Christian principles by which you can live the abundant life. They will continue to follow you with their hearts, love, concern and prayers. And always remember, the best friends you have are your parents. Congratulations on receiving your diploma and a sincere prayer for your future. Welcome to your new world! Make it a better one than it is today.

John T. Catrett, III is a chaplain and newspaper column writer for newspapers. He is a graduate of the class of 1966, Hobbs, New Mexico; the class of 1971 & 1972, Midwest Christian College, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; the class of 2002, Tulsa Community College, Tulsa, Oklahoma and ongoing classes in graduate school of Hard Knocks University, Our world, USA. School colors are black and blue! Welcome to our world!