Who Put THAT There?


Imagine you are walking along a wooded trail. It’s a bright mid-morning. There was a good rain earlier that morning, and the path you are walking on is a bit damp, if not muddy. But this doesn’t dampen your plans.

As you trek along you see an imprint in the pathway. You quickly realize that something living was there before you. It’s quite evident. It can’t be ignored. Who put THAT there?

Some doctors have looked at the complicated workings within the human body and realized that there is incredible design. There is evidence of a Designer. Who put THAT there?

As you look at only one aspect of the body, for instance the human eye, what do you think about it? Can you explain it? How complicated! Who put THAT there?

Only twenty percent of Americans believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God (Gallup Poll, July 8, 2022). Looking around at all there is in the natural world, how could any aspect of what you see be “just an evolutionary process”?

There is incredible design. If there is such magnificent design, then there must be a magnificent Designer. Who put THAT there?

Consider the marvelous workings of a laptop computer. It is complicated. There is incredible design! There must have been a designer, right? It’s logical! It’s evident!

If something as complicated as a computer has a designer, doesn't it follow that you are designed? Of course! Who put you here?

Have you thought about your having a purpose for living? You were made for a reason. Just look at how you are so incredibly put together. Your brain is incredi bly complicated! Who put THAT there?

Listen to God for a moment: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Yes, this was spoken to a particular individual many centuries ago. Could this have been spoken to you? Who’s to say? What could this Bible verse be saying to us today?

God cares about the unborn child. The tiny “fetus” is more than a bundle of skin tissue. That’s according to God! That occupant in the womb is so much more than a piece of molecular tissue.

That child has a living, beating heart, and God knows that human life. He has a plan for that life. He also has a plan for you.

Who put THAT there? Who put YOU here? God!