Want A Scary Story?


• A parent’s worst nightmare. Six-year-old Adam Walsh was at a popular shopping mall in Florida. It was 1981. He went missing. One month later a gruesome discovery was made. Adam’s severed head was found.

• Is Adam Walsh deceased? Of course! Nobody can live without their head. And, nobody can live without THE head. Matthew 14:1-12 describes John (the one who immersed people) having his head cut off by Herod the tetrarch. John’s “disciples then came and took away the body and buried him.”

• Considering this obvious truth, we can see the connection Scripture makes relating to Jesus and His church.

In Ephesians 1:18-23 an undeniable truth is stated regarding Christ and His church. God’s power and might in Christ Jesus makes us alive (vs. 19). Jesus was raised from the dead by God’s power.

The result is that Jesus Christ is “far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come” (vs. 21).

Jesus being raised from the dead is your only hope. His name is above Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, and Allah. Jesus proved what they couldn’t - He is risen from the grave!

• Now, here comes the really scary part. “And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as HEAD over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (vs. 22-23).

Since Jesus is “HEAD over all things to the church…His body”, and nobody can live without their head, neither can a body claim Jesus as head, but then make salvation dependent on their own terms. They reject the head, Jesus, making themselves the head.

Nobody can live unless Jesus is head of their church. Also, wanting Jesus but not His church cannot give life. God’s Word doesn’t separate the two. Just as the body without a head cannot possibly live, unless Jesus is truly head of your church, there is no life.

• Christ Jesus “is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body” (Ephesians 5:23). And “the church is subject to Christ” (vs. 24). Does this describe your

Does this describe your church? Your life? Are you wanting the head of the church without wanting the body, His church? No one can live unless they have both. It just isn’t possible.

Does your church have THE head or just A head? Are you in His body, or are you merely in A body?

Look to Jesus for life!