. . . from the Pastor’s Desk


Some people—even churchgoers truly suffer; either financially, relationally, emotionally, or physically. Others see no light at the end of the tunnel because hope was traded for a brief encounter with personal desire.

I want to begin with this caveat: not everyone who suffers— suffers with Christ! Some folks suffer because of the bad choices they made, while others’ suffering is due to deception, dishonesty, disloyalty, or untruthfulness. For example, if you get caught committing a crime— You will do the time . . . and . . . You will pay the fine! God will forgive you if you ask, but you will still pay for your sin. If you commit adultery, you will break the trust and the relationship with your spouse will never be the same. If you lie, your word will be suspect and distrusted from that point forward.

Scripture tells us: “The wages of sin is death.”“Sin separates you from God.”“Depart from Me, I never knew you.” In James epistle, we read that: “Friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God.” Most people don’t wake up one morning and say: “Today, I am going to be friends with the world instead of with God.”Normally, it is a more gradual process—I give a little here and there; I let down on my spiritual values just a bit; I hang onto this or that habit—because it’s nobody’s business; or I even bend the rules once in a while.

A few years ago, my office was in the basement of the church. I learned to get my office key ready before I came in because when I first entered the basement—it was very dark, and I could not see my office door—even though I knew where it was. If I stopped and waited for just a few seconds, I was amazed how quickly I got used to the darkness. I thought, that’s just like sin.

How easily we can become accustomed to the darkness and sin in our lives.

When it comes to suffering, Satan will attack from every quadrant of your existence if you have a Divine Intimate Relationship with Jesus the Christ. Satan will attack if you have made Jesus the Lord of your life. That is why we are encouraged to “put on the whole armor of God” in Ephesians 6. If Satan is not messing with you, tempting you, or trying to deceive you—you might want to ask: Why Not? Many will come to the party—but only a few will come to the feast. Many will wait too long to become serious about eternity—just playing the game—just being a spectator. If that is you, let me say: This is NOT a dress rehearsal—this is your life AND it is the ONLY ONE YOU GET.

I am always a little bit amused when I hear people say: “God is coming again to save us—before we have to suffer;” “The end is near—God will not let this go on for long;”“God will give His people time to get saved—He does not want any to perish;” or “He won’t let governments stand against Him for long.” If you believe any of those, you need to go back and read about Israel’s history (40 years in bondage and slavery in Babylon), and they are His chosen people.

Listen closely to what I am saying here: being sold out to Christ IS NOT FOR THE WEAK, THE TIMID, OR THE COWARDLY! Christians who are willing to endure suffering prefer obedience to God over personal comfort.They would repeat the words of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane with their very lives; “. . . not my will— but your will.”

Always in His Service, Pastor Ron Fellowship Church of the Nazarene