. . . from the Pastor’s Desk


Palm Sunday: April 2 nd is the beginning of Holy Week during 2023. It is a time we reflect on the journey into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey by Jesus the Christ. We don’t spend much time thinking about the donkey, but here’s what we know: The donkey was available, he was willing, he had been saved for just this task, and he was ready for the task at hand. If a donkey could do it— what about you and me? Are you available and willing? Are you ready for the task that is at hand? Are you ready to do God’s will in your life?

Where were you? I know you were in the crowd. I looked for you when the mob was screaming for Barabbas to set him free and crucify an innocent man. I looked for you over where the temple priests were inciting people—stirring them up. Where were you then? Where are you now? Are you still calling for Him to be crucified by the way you live?

Kind of sounds like our world, doesn’t it? Two years ago, there was a planned gathering canceled after protesters threw smoke bombs and flares, demonstrators stormed buildings, violence and unlawful behavior were on display. They used metal barricades to break windows, and started large bonfires outside the buildings. Another group of agitators were throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at officers. They initiated violent clashes with those in power and cried for law enforcement to be fried like pigs in a blanket. Some things NEVER change!

HOSANNA!! - CRUCIFY HIM!! - HOSANNA!! CRUCIFY HIM!! How quickly they switched from adoration to hatred. A few days ago, they called Him the Messiah. Now they are condemning Him. First, they couldn’t get enough of Him— now they couldn’t wait to get rid of Him. I wonder—are we sometimes a little bit like that. We want everything we can get from God, but when He starts convicting us about something, we get nervous and push Him out of our lives. Where were you? I looked for you everywhere.

The crowd at the palace did not kill Jesus. The mob outside the Sanhedrin did not crucify Him. Some people even like to blame the Romans for Jesus’ death. Others like to blame the Jews, but you need to realize that none of them killed Jesus. He laid down His life voluntarily.

He did it for you and He did it for me. If you want to know who killed Jesus, all you need to do is look in the mirror. Your sins and my sins nailed Him to that cross. Your sins and my sins caused Him to pay the penalty of death. Your sins— and mine!

Here is our salvation climbing onto the back of a donkey, and then riding into Jerusalem KNOWING: KNOWING He had done no wrong—He was the sinless Son of God. KNOWING He would be taunted, mocked, and beaten by a mob of vicious religious bullies. KNOWING He would be stripped of all dignity. KNOWING He would be beaten TO beyond human recognition. KNOWING He would inherit a crown of thorns. KNOWING He would have to carry His own cross (when standing was a major accomplishment). KNOWING He would be stretched out and excruciatingly nailed to a cruel Roman cross. KNOWING He would be hung like a common criminal to die between two thieves. KNOWING He would be buried in a borrowed tomb. KNOWING He would descend into hell for your sins and mine.

And yet, He climbed onto the back of a donkey to fulfill prophecy by riding that fateful journey into Jerusalem so that you and I could experience salvation—eternal life with Him.

Where were you then? Where are you now? Are you still calling for Him to be crucified? Did you KNOW He loves you anyway?

Always in His Service, Pastor Ron Fellowship Church of the Nazarene