OHCE holds monthly meeting


By Dr. Joyce Kinslow Bristow OHCE P.R. Chair Reporter

New president for Bristow OHCE and January lesson is Importance of Lifelong Learning.

Bristow OHCE began their 2024 year with newly elected Kathy Thompson and lifelong learning as the lesson. After meeting was called to order, members signed a sympathy card for Marjie Juby’s family. Members also signed a quilt square as part of quilt for the Creek County Educator Advisor, Nancy Self, who is retiring.

For roll call, members responded how they kept actively learning, ie. computer games, yardwork, reading and exercising.

Ray Kinslow read Watch Your Words, devotional and Vice President Norma Carman led the group in pledge and OHCE creed. Treasurer, Ray, said the club valance is $1,199.43 and $18 in Pennies for Friendship jar.

Sheryl Cortez shared the background on TAPS song, used at Veteran’s funerals.

Business reports were county budget meeting and discussion o fair both display theme. The Importance of Lifelong Learning objectives by Dr. Joyce Kinslow were followed by Ray Kinslow saying that continue learning, gaining hints/valuating learners are throughout lifespan. Dr. Kinslow referred to Australian response of younger, age 50-64, whose interest was technology, traveling and holidays, compared to older, age 74 plus, interest in politics, avoiding violences, transportation, etc. They want continued education, gaining knowledge, socializing, and achieving a specific skill or goal.

Thus, chose both self-directed and instructor. Dr. Kinslow’s learning styles, intense focus and relax, Chuncks to build knowledge, and physical activity, for memory, including putting puzzles together. Handouts at the meeting were, How to be a Lifelong Learner and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.