New Year’s Traditions


Many New Year’s traditions that we take for granted actually date back to ancient times. This year, ring out the old and ring in the new with a tradition or two, making a lot of noise, from fireworks to gun shots to church bells seems to be a favorite pastime around the world.

In the early American colonies, the sound of pistol shots rang through the air.

The North Americans sound sirens and party horns to bid the old year farewell.

In the southern United States, black-eyed peas and pork foretell good fortune.

Eating any ring-shaped treat (such as doughnuts) symbolizes “coming full circle” and leads to good fortune, it is believed.

The dawn of a new year is an opportune time to take stock of your life. Christian churches hold “watch night” services, a custom that began in 1770 at Old George’s Methodist Church in Philadelphia.

The practice of making New Year’s resolutions is another way to reflect on the past and plan ahead.