Looking for Sissy


“Betty, have you seen your little sister? It’s getting dark outside.” Betty replied, “No, Dad. She and her friend Olivia went hiking. I’ll look for them.”

As Betty began hiking up the hill toward the woods, she thought, “Sissy knows her way, but what if she or Olivia are injured? I bet Olivia’s parents are worried.” Making her way through familiar paths in the woods, she noticed that it was even darker now. Suddenly, she saw two eyes and heard something growl! She was scared, but slowly backed away, and as soon as she felt safer, she hurried in a different direction until she saw a light in the distance. Luckily, it was a family she knew and they offered to drive her home.

When she arrived home, her little sister was there. She and Olivia had not tried to walk through the woods to return home, and had taken a long way around the woods. That was why they were out so late. Although glad Sissy was safe, Betty was also angry. “Don’t you ever stay out so late! I could have been eaten by a wild animal!” She cried, and she hugged her little sister.

Discussion: Is there someone you would go look for, or is there someone you know who would look for you in a situation? Why?