How Is God Blessing You?


When you were a child there were possibly adults who lovingly gave you comfort and care. One day a boy in kindergarten was standing at the edge of a creek. It had carved out a deep bed in the soft dirt. There were steep embankments on both sides.

On the opposite side of the flowing creek stood another boy. He too was in kindergarten. Without an introduction, the other boy picked up a rock and called for a “rock fight.” That’s not how boy number one wanted to end his pleasant morning.

Without warning, boy number two hurled the rock with the might of Mickey Mantle. It struck boy number one in the center of his forehead. Everything suddenly turned red. Tears flowed with the blood.

The boy was take to a neighbor’s home, and his wife gave first aid. The boy’s mother arrived after being told of the incident. She then took him to the local doctor.

This occurred in 1959 in New York City. Neighbors were still helping each other. The boy was helpless to help himself. The man and his wife were good neighbors and knew how to help.

The comfort and care by the neighbors was needed and appreciated, but the love and consoIng hugs of his mother were even better than having neighbors come to the rescue.

Have you ever been in a sad and helpless situation? If you’ll open your Bible to the Old Testament book of Psalms, you’ll see expressions of one crying out to God in desperate times of great need. The writer is seeking God’s blessings.

Hear the words of the psalmist: “The Always-Present One says: If someone loves me, then I will rescue him. I will protect those who acknowledge Me. They will call out to Me, and I will answer them. I will deliver them in times of trouble. I will deliver them and honor them. I will reward them with a long full life. They will see how I can save” Psalms91:14-16.

Notice who is speaking. It is GOD! He is being quoted by the author, who knows God and who is known by him!

You may have heard these words of wisdom, “You will be happier when you give than when you receive” (Acts 20:35), but have you ever heard about the blessings you already have from God — even though you may not acknowledge Him?

James 1:17 tells us that “Every good and perfect gift comes down to us from God, the Source of truth. The Father of lights is always consistent and changeless.”

God is already blessing you. VDid you know that? Are you ready to better know Jesus?