How Dark Is It?


On January 30, 1925, Floyd Collins entered an uncharted section of Mammoth Caves, Kentucky. He brought with him only one kerosene lantern. No one else dared enter. After squeezing through a very narrow crevice on his way back to the entrance, Collins’ only light source began to flicker.

Suddenly, he was in absolute darkness. Then, Floyd was unable to move. He couldn’t slither forward, nor could he push himself backward. Collins was trapped! One arm was pinned under him, outstretched in front of him. His other arm was crammed above and outstretched behind his body.

The next day a neighbor happened by. Hearing Mr. Collins calling for help, he ran to sound the alarm.

Now, in total darkness, alone, being unable to eat or drink, Floyd knew that his situation was serious. He was trapped. Floyd was heard to say to his rescuers, “Stay with me! Oh, please don’t leave.”

The few farmers and other neighbors made many attempts to free Mr. Collins, but they were unable to help. Floyd had lost all hope. Finally, after seventeen days, Floyd Collins died completely alone and in utter darkness!

Many people walk in total darkness, but they don’t know it! Will you need to call out someday for someone to be there in your total darkness?

Most people leave this world alone, in utter darkness and without hope. It’s most horrific.

“Surely Yaweh’s power is enough to save you!? He can hear you when you ask Him for help! It is your sins that have been separating you people from your God! Your sins cause Him to turn away from you. And then, He does not listen to you” (Isaiah 59:1-2).

It’s foolish to think you’d enter an unexplored cave system – alone, knowing that you might face total darkness. Would you only ask, “How dark is it?”

Jesus mentions the outer darkness, where no one wants to go. In one parable, a king had a wedding feast. One man wasn’t dressed properly. The king had him tied up and then thrown “outside in the dark. In that place there will be screaming and grinding of teeth. Many people are invited, but few people are chosen” (read Matthew 22:1-14). Many will face that outer darkness.

In our Christian world today, some religious groups soft-sell salvation in Jesus. A changed life isn’t important to many people today. Obedience to His name and to God’s Son is not valued by most people.

Does the Word of God teach uncommitted confidence? Men have developed that mediocre message. Who is right: God or men?

How dark is it? Jesus died to rescue you from facing eternal darkness. Please read your own Bible today. Learn more about the love and salvation God offers you.