Have You Been Wandering?


The sunny spring day was a great day to go hiking. A youth camp was adjacent to the park. They chose to hike the Rugged Canyon Trail. The trail suddenly ascended into the thick pine forest. It wound left, then right. They wondered, “Where’s the Rugged Canyon?”

Stopping for a water break, they realized that only the young man brought water. Resuming their trek, the trail again ascended. Another water break. The forest trail leveled out. Finally, the Rugged Canyon!

There were boulders to navigate, rocks to climb, and a stream to avoid. “I’m wiped out,” the woman declared. The man agreed. “Let’s head back.”

But the trail wasn’t well marked. They quickly got turned around. Another water break. Looking left was a sign for the Swamp. To their right was a rise in the forest landscape. Both dead ends.

They tried returning to the Canyon. Then they knew: “We’re lost!” Another water break. No water left. They were very nervous.

They stood next to the rise, facing each other; the man saw desperation in her eyes. He prayed, “Lord, please bring us out of this.” At that very moment a voice came over the rise. There were youth camp teens. “Where’s the parking area?“ Just down this hill. Ah, relief! But who really provided the way?

This true story provides several parallels to life. We don’t always go in the right direction, and just go in circles, often while getting totally lost and out of resources. There’s nowhere to turn. But God wants us to find our way. He’ll help us go in the right direction.

The apostle Paul declared that all people, everywhere, “should seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us” (Acts 17:27).

God is close to you at all times. He’s hoping you will look for Him. He can lead you through this life of doubt and confusion. You need Him in your life!

“Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” says Psalm 119:105. God’s word brings knowledge for you in the moment. His word leads you during your entire life, until death.