Endless Variety


"In this sad world of ours, sorrow comes to all, and it often comes with bitter agony. Perfect relief is not possible except with time. You cannot now believe that you will ever feel better, but this is not true. You are sure to be happy again. Knowing this, truly believing it will make you less miserable now. I have had enough experience to make this statement." ~Abraham Lincoln (Well said, Abe; however, I’m not sure that “perfect relief ” comes even with time.)

One of the hardest realities you face in life is that grieving is likely to be a part of your human experience at one time or another. While grief appears in an almost endless variety of circumstances, few of us, if any, are able to escape its reach. Some people have lives filled with grief, sorrow and suffering, while others seem to have lives of relative ease. However, many sorrows are hidden from the view of others and are suffered in silence. Therefore, while it may seem that some escape the far-reaching effects of grief, there are many heartaches and sorrows that go unseen.

"Now is the winter of our discontent." This famous Shakespearean quote is an apt description of the raft of problems plaguing those who struggle with grief. If you are going through a time of grief in your life, recognize you are not alone on this journey. While each journey of grief is unique, take comfort in the hope and wisdom from those who have walked the path of pain before you. As difficult as it can be for you to believe at this moment, there can be hope, joy, and peace in your life beyond the sorrow. "We all have a choice. We can choose to think thoughts of negativity, lack, and rejection. Or, we can opt to focus on thoughts of love, peace, prosperity, and happiness." ~Richard Levy

Many Have Worked Through Their grief! You can take great comfort from recognizing you are not alone in your sorrow, knowing that throughout the world, as many others have suffered with profound and troubling misery, they have gained hope. This awareness has empowered them. They have walked the grief path and made lemonade from their sour lemons. They have accepted their situation, even though life is not always fair. Although your pain is unique and personal, you can take strength from literally thousands who have moved through their grief. They have moved to a better place in their life as they have reconciled their great sorrow. You can, too. You can travel through your sadness toward gaining a happier, fuller life and make the best of your circumstance. Take hope with you as your partner on your life journey.

Grief Relief Action Steps! One of the most powerful ways of healing from grief is to bring your feelings, emotions, and thoughts to the surface. It is strongly recommended you begin a Grief Relief Journal. This is to be for your own use so you can write your thoughts and feelings down with no need to filter or edit what is going on inside your mind or heart.

Write down your thoughts about what you know and understand about grief in general and about your own grief specifically. Write down the questions you wish you knew the answers to in relationship to your own grief. Then share it with a close friend, family member, or your minister/priest/chaplain. Write them down and ask yourself which one do you most closely resonate with, and why? Move in that direct, and learn as you progress in your journey!

John T. Catrett, III

Scissortail Hospice Chaplain

306 N. Main, Suite E

Bristow , OK. 74010

(918) 352-3080