Can You Hear Him Now?


Verizon Wireless created one of the most memorable campaigns ever in 2005. In their commercials a so-called “test man,” accompanied by a crowd of network engineers, travels the country asking the same simple question, “Can you hear me now?” in an ongoing exercise to determine the reliability of the mobile phone carrier’s network.

The catchphrase caught on. The company’s market share went up, and employee turnover went down. It seemed people could relate to the struggle to connect. Folks were tired of dropped calls and unreliable communication systems. Verizon sent a message stating that they desperately wanted to connect with its subscribers and wanted its subscribers to be able to connect with each other.

At the risk of selling Him short, God has done the same thing. Even when Israel had split in two, the Lord God Almighty kept sending His message. He gave the people of the divided kingdom some 208 years to decide whether they would accept or reject His call. He sent His own “technicians” to get the message out. We call them prophets.

The job of a Verizon technician is unique but not nearly as unique as the task given to the prophet Hosea. Hosea was a minor prophet that appeared in a down and difficult time in the nation of Israel. The reality is that people often hear best when things are at their worst. So Hosea signed up with God, but the Lord gave him a most unusual assignment. Hosea’s life would be his message. He was commanded to marry a prostitute named Gomer and love her. What an incredible request! (Just imagine a young man with a Bible college degree in hand trying to explain that one to a ministersearch committee.) The tough assignment was made even more difficult as Gomer left Hosea. She would conduct her “transaction” with her customers, all the time believing they were the ones supporting her. In reality, though, it was Hosea who continued to care for her and provide for her necessities even during her times of unfaithfulness. God tells Hosea to go and demonstrate his love for her, so he does. Now picture this scene, as ugly as it is: Hosea pays a Hebrew pimp for some time with his wife Gomer. When she enters the room expecting her next customer, she comes face-to-face with her husband. It is then that Hosea tells her again he loves her and wants her to come back home.

It’s the lived-out message that Hosea later gives in words, and it’s the same message God sends today. God loves us—even in our extreme unfaithfulness! The Lord wants us to come back home, even though we have abandoned Him as we chased after other loves— love of power, pleasure, things, money, or recognition. The temptation of the world is very seductive! Are we loyal and faithful to God or have other loves taken His place? There is still hope for those who turn back to God. No loyalty, achievement, or honor can be compared to loving Him. Turn to the Lord while the offer is still good. No matter how far you have strayed, God is willing to forgive you.

Much like a call on your cell phone, you can hit the accept button or reject button. You have the power to send God’s call to voicemail and make Him wait, or you can answer His call today. The people of Israel had 208 years to pick up, and they never did. The network is clear. The message is reliable. Can you hear Him now?

John T. Catrett, III Scissortail Hospice Chaplain 306 North Main St., Suite E Bristow, Ok. 74010