Family Discussions


What is inside?


Do you ever think there is something about yourself you don’t like and wish it wasn’t there, like maybe your height, weight, hair, math ability or no math ability, etc.? Do you know the story about the ugly duckling who thought he was a duck until he met swans who told him to look in the water at himself? He had been teased and excluded because he was not like the other ducks. When he saw himself as he really was, he saw he was a beautiful swan.

Do you know the stories of “Winnie the Pooh?” There is one place in the book The Tao of Pooh Where Hoff says, “The wise are who they are. They work with what they’ve got and do what they can do.” For instance with the swan, Hoff says the swan was “hidden inside” the duckling.

Some of us have characteristics hidden inside of us that just need a chance to get out—like the swan. If we are to use what we have, first we need to know what that is. What can we use and how do we use it? What do we have hidden inside that we can develop and use it for good?

Discussion: What are your interests and skills that you want to develop?