
What’s Your Greatest Adventure?

It was a bright spring afternoon in 1959. One boy in the small group of three came up with a remedy for their boredom. He convinced Nicky and Marilyn that they should accept his unprecedented idea of walking to a neighborhood duck pond. Their amazing adventure had begun. Never mind they were only five-year-old children!

Picking Up the Pieces

Picking Up the Pieces Grief is a part of life. There are so many things humans grieve over, some intensely personal like the loss of a long time pet or a stolen family heirloom, and others that are familiar to many such as time to trade in the family car in which you took many family vacations.

How Have You Suffered for Jesus?

When he was drunk, the foolish young man preached that God didn’t exist. He’d arrogantly proclaim, “There’s no God up there! You are your own god!” he’d declare. The young man and coworkers would get high or drunk. They’d tell disgusting jokes and use filthy words. He was a sinner, but he didn’t know it.

Why Not Pick Up Your Pallet?

Sue, her friend Elise, and Sue’s teen daughter Jessica arrived at the area Drop Zone. Jessica loved watching her mom jump from the planes. It was a beautiful autumn morning. They dressed for their jump and examined their packing cables. Jessica anxiously awaited when she’d be old enough to jump with her mom.

Mayors’ Corner

Hello! This week I’d like to share some ideas on what a citizen could do to be a “good citizen.” Indulge me here: 1. Register to vote.

Thinking Out Loud

A door closing, a sweet note from you that we found in a book, your voice on the answering machine, a final text we cherish forever, a picture of your lovely smile, words that echo in our hearts where you say you are sorry for putting us through this ordeal … all insignificant until they become sweet memories set down in time. These are the moments of a final goodbye we never forget.

Why Not Tell Your Left Hand?

When you’re doing a job all by yourself because no one else is there to help, you’ll need to use both hands for awkward projects. An aging man, about 65 at the time, planned on pounding a wooden stake into the ground.

“Deliberately Stomped On? Learn To Laugh”

You probably woke that fateful morning, assuming everything would probably run along on the accustomed track. Never dreaming – or nightmar ing – that particular day would be so much different than you expected.

Thinking Out Loud

Scissortail Hospice Chaplain Bristow, Oklahoma Six T’s That Can Make Our Lives Easier There are six fundamentals of grief recovery, which are very important to the grieving process. Most people try to avoid them not knowing that they are delaying their healing and advancement to the future.